You have probably heard of honey glazed salmon… but have you heard of pomegranate glazed salmon? Pomegranate molasses is an ingredient commonly used in Middle Eastern cuisine and has both sweetness and tanginess that adds so much depth and flavour to any dish. It is the star ingredient in this glaze, along with garlic, honey and chilli flakes for some heat.
You can typically find pomegranate molasses in the international aisle at your local grocery store, but if you can’t find it, you can make your own at home. Simply mix together pomegranate juice, a bit of lemon juice and sugar (to your preference) and reduce it down until it looks like a thick glaze.
The glaze thickens when it cools down, therefore it is recommended to serve immediately.

Season the salmon fillets with salt and pepper on both sides.

Heat up a cast iron or non-stick skillet on medium high and add the olive oil. Wait until pan is hot, then lay the salmon skin side down and cook for about 4 minutes. Make sure you don’t crowd your pan.

Flip the salmon to sear on the other side for 2 minutes until golden. Remove and set aside.
Decrease the heat to low and add in the crushed garlic. Cook for 30 seconds until fragrant.
Add the pomegranate molasses, honey, salt and chilli flakes and stir for a minute. Add the squeeze of lemon.
Place the salmon back into the pan and cook for 5 more minutes or until cooked through (depending on thickness of the salmon).
Plate the salmon (recommended on a bed of roasted vegetables) and spoon the glaze on top. The glaze thickens when it cools down, therefore it is recommended to serve immediately. If it does cool down, you can heat it back up and add a splash of water to loosen it.
Garnish with spring onions and additional chilli flakes.